May is some kind of weird magical creature. Scholars debate as to what exactly what kind, but it seems to be a combination of “ethereal unicorn princess” and “feral trash goblin.” Scholars agree that it’s remarkable regardless that she found her way into a writing career.

May’s goals in life include this magical effort: that everyone who comes across her, to read her words, even the words of this website, would be blessed by the sovereign power of love in the universe. She hopes that whether you realize it or not, that blessing will touch you now.

As an author, May’s work tends toward romantic fantasy. The fantasy genre is about mythic proportions and heroic storytelling; romantic fantasy weaves that heroic scale with romantic themes like love, hope, and journeys of the heart. She loves fiction that mixes optimism and compassion with the macabre and grandiose, creating tales that are both personal and larger than life. Her debut series is The Sacred Dark.

As an editor, May believes that much as with many things in life, the best way is the gentle way. Editing is about attuning to the author’s vision of the work more than about imposing the editor’s vision, which requires skill and subtlety. Find out more about her editing and consultation services here.

May writes the Gorgeous Moon, a newsletter about fiction, love, and magic that goes out monthly and with periodic updates.

You can also find more of May’s non-fiction writing on Medium, including one of her most popular essays, I Did Not Consent To My Body.